Monday, December 05, 2005

Visit a live Nativity!

Visiting a live Nativity is a great way for kids (and adults!) to see what it might have been like in Bethlehem so long ago. Our family likes to visit the "Bethlehem Faire" each year. As you enter, there's a stable of live animals. Then music sounds, and as you look up, an angel appears! Inside, they set up a miniature city full of people selling spices, animals baskets, and more. Children run around talking about a special baby that was born. Finally, you reach Mary, Joseph, and a tiny baby. It's a small space filled with straw. This year we heard Joseph comment that he hoped the straw would keep the baby warm through the night.

The visit doesn't take long, and it costs nothing. But it is part of our Christmas that we wouldn't miss!


  1. Hey, Johansons. How cool! so where do we locate this live nativity? Might be cool to bring the multiple grandkids. Love you guys and are always so excited to see pics of your ever growing family.

    Love, Barb K.

  2. The live Nativity we go to happened this past weekend in at Fox Valley Christian Church in Batavia, IL. It's usually the first weekend in December.

    Love and blessings to you!
