Friday, December 09, 2005

Start a New Tradition!

Sometimes we get so caught up in all the things we do every year, that we forget that it's okay to do something new and different. In the last few years we've added some new activities to our Advent celebrations. One of our favorites is a shopping trip to the dollar store.

Each child has enough money to buy one thing for each person on their list, which includes immediate family and a few others. Then it's up to them to find "the perfect gift" for everyone. This can be quite a challenge at the dollar store! The results may be sweet (Candy!), practical (A pack of screws!), or silly ("Planet of the Apes" snap together model!). And all the while, the kids do their best to keep secrets...

Try something new this year...something simple, sentimental or silly. Who knows? It may become a treasured part of your Christmases to come!

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